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Closing transdisciplinary collaboration gaps of food-energy-water nexus research...

by Jie Zhuang, Frank E Loeffler, Gary Sayler
Publication Type
Journal Name
Environmental Science & Policy
Publication Date
Page Numbers
164 to 167

The nexus of food, energy, and water (FEW) systems is key to ensuring global sustainability in the face of climate change, population growth, and urbanization. To address FEW resources inequity among different regions and countries, transdisciplinary research networking becomes increasingly important for tackling this intractable, complex grand challenge. In contrast to interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research, transdisciplinary research emphasizes the interactions of scientific, cognitive, and social factors from a top-down view. Intellectual and strategic integrations entail weaving scientific, socioeconomic, and political perspectives together into a new convergence model and fostering a shared vision and comparable assessment, though these goals might not be realistically achievable in the short term. This article summarizes major barriers to transdisciplinary research on FEW nexus grand challenges and possible solutions to be implemented at multiple levels of distinct social systems. Implementation of the solutions relies on not only top-down incentives of governments but also bottom-up initiatives of academic communities and individual researchers. The relevance of shared interests and visions between the research communities and the public is emphasized.