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Coarse graining approach to First principles modeling of structural materials...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
APS March Meeting 2013
Conference Location
Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Conference Date

Classical Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulations characterizing
extended defects typically require millions of atoms. First principles calculations employed to understand these defect systems at an electronic level cannot, and should
not deal with such large numbers of atoms. We present an efficient coarse graining
(CG) approach to calculate local electronic properties of large MD-generated structures from the first principles. We used the Locally Self-consistent Multiple Scattering (LSMS) method for two types of iron defect structures 1) screw-dislocation
dipoles and 2) radiation cascades. The multiple scattering equations are solved at
fewer sites using the CG. The atomic positions were determined by MD with an
embedded atom force field. The local moments in the neighborhood of the defect
cores are calculated with first-principles based on full local structure information,
while atoms in the rest of the system are modeled by representative atoms with approximated properties. This CG approach reduces computational costs significantly
and makes large-scale structures amenable to first principles study. Work is sponsored by the USDoE, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, “Center for Defect Physics,”
an Energy Frontier Research Center. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge
Leadership Computing Facility at the ORNL, which is supported by the Office of
Science of the USDoE under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.