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Compaction and Sintering of Mo Powders...

by Stephen D Nunn, James O Kiggans Jr, Christopher D Bryan
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Mo99 2013 Topical Meeting Website -
Publication Date
Conference Name
Mo99 2013 Topical Meeting on Molybdenum-99 Technological Development
Conference Location
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
DOE, National Nuclear Security Association
Conference Date

To support the development of Mo-99 production by NorthStar Medical Technologies, LLC, Mo metal powders were evaluated for compaction and sintering characteristics as they relate to Mo-100 accelerator target disk fabrication. Powders having a natural isotope distribution and enriched Mo-100 powder were examined. Various powder characteristics are shown to have an effect on both the compaction and sintering behavior. Natural Mo powders could be cold pressed directly to >90% density. All of the powders, including the Mo-100 samples, could be sintered after cold pressing to >90% density. As an example, a compacted Mo-100 disk reached 89.7% density (9.52 g/cm3) after sintering at 1000°C for 1 hr. in flowing Ar/4%H2. Higher sintering temperatures were required for other powder samples. The relationships between processing conditions and the resulting densities of consolidated Mo disks will be presented.