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Comparison of Daytime and Nighttime Populations Adjacent to Interstate Highways in Metropolitan Areas Using LandScan USA...

by Paul E Johnson
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
15th International PATRAM Symposium (CD-rom)
Publication Date
Publisher Location
Indian Wells, California, United States of America
Conference Name
15th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Conference Location
Miami, Florida, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

An article of similar title was published in the International Journal of Radioactive Materials Transport in 1999. The study concluded that the daytime and nighttime populations are not substantially different for the metropolitan areas examined. This study revisits the issue, but using the LandScan USA high resolution population distribution data, which includes daytime and night-time population. Segments of Interstate highway beltways, along with the direct route through the city, for Atlanta, St. Louis, and Kansas City are examined with an 800m buffer from either side of the highways. The day/night ratio of population is higher using the LandScan USA data. LandScan USA daytime and night-time data will be incorporated into the TRAGIS routing model in future.