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Complex-Energy Shell-Model Description of Alpha Decay...

by R. Id Betan, Witold Nazarewicz
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Page Numbers
41 to 46
Conference Name
IX Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
Conference Location
Quito, Ecuador
Conference Date

In his pioneering work of alpha decay, Gamow assumed that the alpha particle formed inside the nucleus tunnels through the barrier of the alpha-daughter potential. The corresponding metastable state can be viewed as a complex-energy solution of the time-independent Schroedinger equation with the outgoing boundary condition. The formation of the alpha cluster, missing in the original Gamow formulation, can be described within the R-matrix theory in terms of the formation amplitude. In this work, the alpha decay process is described by computing the formation amplitude and barrier penetrability in a large complex-energy configuration space spanned by the complex-energy eigenstates of the finite Woods-Saxon (WS) potential. The proper normalization of the decay channel is essential as it strongly modifies the alpha-decay spectroscopic factor. The test calculations are carried out for the ^{212}Po alpha decay.