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Control of morphology and function of low band gap polymer-bis-fullerene mixed heterojunctions in organic photovoltaics with ...

by Huipeng Chen, Yu-che Hsiao, Bin Hu, Mark D Dadmun
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Publication Date
Page Numbers
9883 to 9890

Replacing PCBM with a bis-adduct fullerene (i.e. ICBA) has been reported to significantly improve the open
circuit voltage (VOC) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) in P3HT bulk heterojunctions. However, for the
most promising low band-gap polymer (LBP) systems, replacing PCBM with ICBA results in very poor shortcircuit
current (JSC) and PCE although the VOC is significantly improved. Therefore, in this work, we have
completed small angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectometry experiments to study the impact of
post-deposition solvent annealing (SA) with control of solvent quality on the morphology and
performance of LBP–bis-fullerene BHJ photovoltaics. The results show that SA in a solvent that is
selective for the LBP results in a depletion of bis-fullerene near the air surface, which limits device
performance. SA in a solvent vapor which has similar solubility for polymer and bis-fullerene results in a
higher degree of polymer ordering, bis-fullerene phase separation, and segregation of the bis-fullerene
to the air surface, which facilitates charge transport and increases power conversion efficiency (PCE) by
100%. The highest degree of polymer ordering combined with significant bis-fullerene phase separation
and segregation of bis-fullerene to the air surface is obtained by SA in a solvent vapor that is selective for
the bis-fullerene. The resultant morphology increases PCE by 190%. These results indicate that solvent
annealing with judicious solvent choice provides a unique tool to tune the morphology of LBP–bisfullerene
BHJ system, providing sufficient polymer ordering, formation of a bis-fullerene pure phase, and
segregation of bis-fullerene to the air surface to optimize the morphology of the active layer. Moreover,
this process is broadly applicable to improving current “disappointing” LBP–bis-fullerene systems to
optimize their morphology and OPV performance post-deposition, including higher VOC and power
conversion efficiency.