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Control Systems Design for STS Accelerator

by Jianxun Yan, Steven M Hartman, Kay-uwe Kasemir
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (19th)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
903 to 906
Publisher Location
Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Name
International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2023)
Conference Location
Cape Town, South Africa
Conference Sponsor
The South African Radio Astronomy Observator
Conference Date

The Second Target Station (STS) Project will expand the capabilities of the existing Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), with a suite of neutron instruments optimized for long wavelengths. A new accelerator transport line will be built to deliver one out of four SNS pulses to the new target station. The Integrated Control Systems (ICS) will provide remote control, monitoring, OPI, alarms, and archivers for the accelerator systems, such as magnets power supply, vacuum devices, and beam instrumentation. The ICS will upgrade the existing Linac LLRF controls to allow independent operation of the FTS and STS and support different power levels of the FTS and STS proton beam. The ICS accelerator controls are in the phase of preliminary design for the control systems of magnet power supply, vacuum, LLRF, Timing, Machine protection system (MPS), and computing and machine network. The accelerator control systems build upon the existing SNS Machine Control systems, use the SNS standard hardware and EPICS software, and take full advantage of the performance gains delivered by the PPU Project at SNS.