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Correlation between crystallographic superstructure and magnetic structures in finite magnetic fields: A neutron study on a s...

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Physical Review B
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We present results of neutron diffraction experiments on a Ho2PdSi3 single crystal in the magnetically ordered state at T = 1.5 K for magnetic fields applied in the easy (0, 0, L) direction. Moderate fields of less than 0.8 T are sufficient to wipe out the antiferromagnetic order in the basal plane of the AlB2-type hexagonal lattice structure. Concurrently strong magnetic reflections along the (0, 0, L) direction develop with increasing fields that are closely related to the nuclear superstructure reflections found in the single crystal at all temperatures. The field dependence of the intensity of the these reflections is rather unusual: after a maximum at 0.6 T and a shallow minimum at 2 T a further increase of intensity for fields up to 5 T is observed. A phase transition into a field induced, saturated ferromagnetic state is expected only at very high fields (> 13 T) as inferred from magnetization data. For the origin of the high field magnetic structure two models are proposed and the corresponding model calculations are compared to our experimental results. Furthermore, the experimental data in low fields (< 0.8 T) are used to clarify the hitherto unsolved zero-field magnetic structure of Ho2PdSi3. The relevance of our findings with respect to other members of the R2PdSi3 series (R = Tb, Er, Tm and others) is emphasized.