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Cost-Optimized CCHP Model Developed Using HPDM Meeting Performance Targets...

by Bo Shen, Jeffrey D Munk
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

This report documents the equipment design and analysis work to meet the first project milestone (M1). Our industry partner, Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions recently developed a 3-stage scroll compressor product, able to deliver capacity at three levels without using an inverter. Based on ORNL’s previous cold climate heat pump (CCHP) prototype and the preliminary compressor performance data, the CCHP was redesigned for cost reduction and better performance. The 3-stage compressor, using the middle capacity level to deliver the rated capacity of the heat pump (HP), will replace the previous tandem compressors, using one single-speed compressor to deliver the rated capacity. In this way, it will reduce the compressor footprint to fit in most residential HPs’ chassis. The compressor replacement increases the nominal capacity by 17%. Approximately, 30% cost reduction in the compressor and 17% reduction in the heat exchangers per nominal tonnage can be achieved relative to the prior tandem compressor design. Advanced features using an electronic expansion valve for head pressure control and an Ebm-papst variable-speed, backward-curved indoor blower can be adopted for higher efficiency.
The DOE/ORNL Heat Pump Design Model (HPDM) [2] was used to model and redesign the CCHP. Following AHRI 210/240 [1], heating and cooling performance results were predicted at the conditions for certifying a 2-stage CCHP, regarding various design scenarios. The predicted HSPF reaches 12.0, and predicted SEER reaches16.2.