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Covariance Generation Using CONRAD and SAMMY Computer Codes...

by Luiz C Leal, Herve Derrien, C De Saint Jean, G Noguere, J M Ruggieri
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Wonder 2009 - 2nd International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications
Conference Location
Cadarache, France
Conference Date

Covariance generation in the resolved resonance region can be generated using the computer codes CONRAD and SAMMY. These codes use formalisms derived from the R-matrix methodology together with the generalized least squares technique to obtain resonance parameter. In addition, resonance parameter covariance is also obtained. Results of covariance calculations for a simple case of the s-wave resonance parameters of 48Ti in the energy region 10-5 eV to 300 keV are compared. The retroactive approach included in CONRAD and SAMMY was used.