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Creating a Software Framework for Simulating Satellite Geolocation...

by Daniel B Koch
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2011 Proceedings of IEEE SoutheastCon
Publication Date
Page Numbers
180 to 184
Conference Name
IEEE SoutheastCon 2011
Conference Location
Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
IEEE Region 3
Conference Date

It is hard to imagine life these days without having some sort of electronic indication of one's current location. Whether the purpose is for business, personal, or emergency use, utilizing smart cell phones, in-vehicle navigation systems, or location beacons, dependence on the Global Positioning System (GPS) is pervasive. Yet the availability of the GPS should not be taken for granted. Both environmental (e.g., terrain, weather) and intentional interference (i.e., jamming) can reduce or deny satellite access. In order to investigate these and other issues, as well as to explore possible alternative satellite constellations, an application called the Satellite Simulation Toolkit (SatSim) was created. This paper presents a high-level overview of SatSim and an example of how it may be used to study geolocation.