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Development of an Activation Analysis Methodology to Support the Disposal of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Metal Pool Waste

by Jorge Navarro, Young S Kwon, Randal E Pudelek, Geoffrey G Deichert, Russell L Wools
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

During operation and maintenance of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), metal waste from reactor components is generated. Due to space limitations in the pool fuel storage, it is necessary to remove the waste and send it to off-site disposal. Most of this waste was in the reactor and is radioactive through neutron activation. Prior to shipping and disposal at a waste disposal facility, the radiological activity of the waste must be determined. Therefore, a conservative methodology to characterize the radiological activity of the waste must be performed. The methodology used was based on being able to determine a conservative overall activity and radionuclide inventory based on radiological survey data and neutron activation products for the materials present.