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Development of spiral notch torsion test: A new Fracture mechanics approach to determination of KISCC...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Environment-Induced Cracking of Materials: Chemistry, Mechanics and Mechanisms
Publication Date
Page Numbers
960 to 970
Conference Name
Environment-Induced Cracking of Metals
Conference Location
Banff, Canada
Conference Date

SNTT utilizes an extremely innovative concept of testing round-rod specimens having a V-grooved spiral notch line with a 45�a-pitch angle. The paper discusses the validity of SNTT in determining the fracture toughness, KIC, as established at ORNL. The paper also presents preliminary results of a collaborative research program of Monash University, NRL, ORNL and DSTO, for development and use of the novel technique of Spiral Notch Torsion Test (SNTT) for determination of threshold stress intensity for stress corrosion cracking, i.e., KISCC. SNTT experiments have been carried out in chloride and air environments, using fatigue pre-cracked SNTT specimens of Al-alloy, 7075.