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Distribution, Ecology, Life History, and Conservation Status of the Berry Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus gulolineatus)

Publication Type
Journal Name
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
Publication Date
Page Numbers
686 to 783

The Berry Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus gulolineatus) is a neotenic, stygobitic salamander endemic to eight cave systems and an isolated surface record in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge of eastern Tennessee. We conducted surveys for G. gulolineatus from 2017–2019 to assess the status of the species, locate new populations, and address knowledge gaps related to life history and population ecology required for conservation assessment. We confirmed G. gulolineatus presence at four historical sites, but we did not observe the species at any additional caves. At the three known sites with greatest abundance, visual counts per survey ranged 0–19 salamanders in 2017–2019. There was no apparent trend in abundance at Berry Cave. Visual counts declined 65% since the mid-2000s at Meads Quarry Cave and 80% since the early 1980s at Mudflats Cave. Mark-recapture studies in 160-m of cave stream at Berry Cave in 2017–2018 and 900-m of cave stream at Meads Quarry Cave in 2008 yielded population size estimates that ranged from 34–78 and 15–65 individuals, respectively. We identified 13 existing or potential threats to populations. Habitat degradation and groundwater contamination (associated with urbanization of the Knoxville metropolitan area and past mining operations) represent the most evident threats to long-term viability. Based on our conservation assessments, we recommend a rank of Endangered under IUCN Red List criteria and Critically Imperiled–Imperiled (G1G2) under NatureServe criteria. In opposition to the recent U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service decision, we advocate that, at minimum, G. gulolineatus remain a Candidate Species. Given the identified threats and these ranks, we offer several recommendations for research, conservation, and management of this rare salamander.