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A dual-mesh method for efficient thermal stress analysis of large-scale welded structures...

by Hui Huang, Ninshu Ma, Hidekazu Murakawa, Zhili Feng
Publication Type
Journal Name
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Publication Date
Page Numbers
769 to 780

Transient thermo-mechanical analysis of welding problem requires tremendous computation cost. To accelerate the thermal analysis of large-scale welded structures, an efficient computation scheme based on heat transfer localization and dual meshes was proposed. The computation accuracy is guaranteed by a local fine mesh model with size determined by a theoretical solution and a global coarse mesh model with equivalent heat input. The validity and accuracy of the dual-mesh method were verified using an experimental bead-on-plate model. By extending the weld length, the computation time of the proposed method was proved to be almost linearly dependent on the model scale. The thermal analysis of fillet welding of a large panel structure with 6-m-long weld was accelerated by 10 times over conventional finite element analysis and 2.2 times over adaptive mesh method. Meanwhile, the physical memory consumption was also greatly reduced by the dual-mesh method. Such efficient computation method enables fast evaluation of welding stress and distortion which are vital for manufacturing process and structure performance.