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Dual Nature of Magnetism in a Uranium Heavy-Fermion System...

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Physical Review Letters
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The duality between the localized and itinerant nature of magnetism in 5f-electron systems has been a long-standing puzzle. Here, we report inelastic neutron scattering measurements, which reveal both local and itinerant aspects of magnetism in a single-crystalline system of UPt2Si2. In the antiferromagnetic state, we observe a broad continuum of diffuse magnetic scattering with a resonancelike gap of ≈7  meV and the surprising absence of coherent spin waves, suggestive of itinerant magnetism. While the gap closes above the Néel temperature, strong dynamic spin correlations persist to a high temperature. Nevertheless, the size and temperature dependence of the total magnetic spectral weight can be well described by a local moment with J=4. Furthermore, polarized neutron measurements reveal that the magnetic fluctuations are mostly transverse, with little or none of the longitudinal component expected for itinerant moments. These results suggest that a dual description of local and itinerant magnetism is required to understand UPt2Si2 and, by extension, other 5f systems, in general.