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Enhancing Kokkos with OpenACC

by Pedro Valero Lara, Seyong Lee, Joel E Denny, Keita Teranishi, Jeffrey S Vetter
Publication Type
Journal Name
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 15

C++ template metaprogramming has emerged as a prominent approach for achieving performance portability in heterogeneous computing. Kokkos represents a notable paradigm in this domain, offering programmers a suite of high-level abstractions for generic programming while deferring much of the device-specific code generation and optimization to the compiler through template specializations. Kokkos furnishes a range of device-specific code specializations across multiple back ends, including CUDA and HIP. Diverging from conventional back ends, the OpenACC implementation presents a high-level, multicompiler, multidevice, and directive-based programming model. This paper presents recent advancements in the OpenACC back end for Kokkos (i.e., KokkACC) and focuses on its integration into the Kokkos ecosystem, exploration of automatic device selection capabilities to enhance productivity, and performance evaluation on modern hardware such as NVIDIA H100 GPUs. The study includes implementation details and a thorough performance assessment across various computational benchmarks, including minibenchmarks (AXPY and DOT product), miniapps (LULESH, MiniFE, and SNAP-LAMMPS), and a scientific kernel based on the lattice Boltzmann method.