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Equations of Motion for the Vertical Rigid-Body Rotor: Linear and Nonlinear Cases...

by Hector E Laos
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series
Book Title
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques
Publication Date
Page Numbers
39 to 54
Publisher Location
Cham, Switzerland
Conference Name
IMAC - XXXIX Virtual Conference
Conference Location
Virtual, Florida, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
ORNL - Development
Conference Date

Centuries ago, the prolific mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) wrote down the equations of motion (EOM) for the heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed. The resulting set of equations turned out to be nonlinear and had a limited number of closed-form solutions.
Today, tools such as transfer matrix and finite elements enable the calculation of the rotordynamic properties for rotor-bearing systems. Some of these tools rely on the “linearized” version of the EOM to calculate the eigenvalues, unbalance response, or transients in these systems.
In fact, industry standards mandate that rotors be precisely balanced to have safe operational characteristics. However, in some cases, the nonlinear aspect of the EOM should be considered.
The purpose of this chapter is to show examples of how the linear vs. nonlinear formulations differ. This chapter also shows how excessive unbalance is capable of dramatically altering the behavior of the system and can produce chaotic motions associated with the “jump” phenomenon.