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Estimated Limits on Uncontrolled Beam Losses of Heavy Ions for Allowing Hands-On Maintenance at an Exotic Beam Facility Linac...

by Reginald M. Ronningen, Georg Bollen, Igor Remec
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Nuclear Technology
Publication Date
Page Numbers
670 to 675
Conference Name
11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and the 15th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division
Conference Location
Pine Mountain, Georgia, United States of America
Conference Date

The purpose of the study is to obtain estimates of limits on uncontrolled beam losses of heavy ions for allowing hands-on maintenance at a heavy-ion linac for a rare isotope beam facility. Semiempirical formulas are used to estimate dose equivalent rates from activated accelerator components for 1 W/m uncontrolled losses of protons up to 1 GeV. The estimated dose rates after a 100-day irradiation time, 4-h postshutdown cooling time are compared to a hands-on maintenance limit of 1 mSv/h (100 mrem/h) at 30 cm. The transport codes PHITS and MCNP5 and activation code DCHAIN-SP 2001 are used to verify the estimate for proton losses and to obtain limits on heavy-ion beam losses that will satisfy the hands-on maintenance dose rate limit.