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Estimating County-Level Farm-Based Agricultural Commodity Movements...

by Fei Xie, Ho-ling L Hwang, Shih-miao Chin
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Transportation Research Board 2019 Compendium of Papers
Publication Date
Conference Name
2019 TRB Annual Meeting
Conference Location
Washington DC, District of Columbia, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Transportation Research Board
Conference Date

The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), a nation-wide commodity-based freight flow database, is the only publicly available data source that provides a comprehensive resource of national freight movement data. The FAF estimates origin-destination (O-D) commodity flows between states, sub-state regions, and major international gateways. Recently, there are emerging needs of the FAF data at a more detailed geographical level than is presently available. Taking the agricultural commodities as an example, this study presents a disaggregation approach that aims at disaggregating the existing zone-level commodity flows to county-level commodity flows. With limited agricultural commodity data and statistics, the disaggregation process includes three major steps: (1) estimation of county-level agricultural commodity production at origins, (2) estimation of county-level agricultural commodity attraction to destinations, and (3) estimation of county-level origin-destination agricultural commodity flows. The disaggregation process is applied to major farm-based agricultural products considered in the FAF. This paper discusses the process and illustrates the resulting geographic distributions of county-level agricultural commodity production and attraction. A few examples of county-level flows between origins and destinations are also presented.