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Evaluation of Low Environmental Impact “Distributed Scroll Booster” Technology for Supermarket Refrigeration...

by Samuel F Yana Motta, Junjie Luo, Vishaldeep Sharma, Bo Shen
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

A distributed scroll booster refrigeration system is proposed as an alternative for current refrigeration systems used in supermarket applications. The distributed scroll booster system is configured to enable the use of low-pressure refrigerants such as R-1234yf, which has a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 1, in a cycle configuration that employs a two-stage compression process. This scroll booster system is comprised of medium-temperature compressors (high stage) coupled with low-temperature compressors (low stage). This two-stage system architecture allows both low-temperature and medium-temperature refrigerated display cases to be integrated in the same system. By design, this system reduces the refrigerant charge, produces higher efficiencies (two-stage compression), uses existing components minimizing cost impact, and will be able to use ultra-low GWP class A2L (low toxicity and low flammability) refrigerants such as R-1234yf when standards and building codes are updated (expected by 2025).