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Exchange Coupling Nanophase Fe-Pd Ferromagnets Through Solid State Transformation...

by Kathleen Shugart, Gerard M Ludtka, Gail M Ludtka, William Soffa
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Solid State Phenomenon
Publication Date
Page Numbers
273 to 278
Conference Name
PTM 2010
Conference Location
Palais des Papes, France
Conference Date

This study continues previous work on off stoichiometric Fe-Pd alloys using a combined reaction strategy during thermomechanical processing [1,2]. Severe plastic deformation of the initial disordered fcc gamma phase (γ), followed by heat treatment in the two phase field produces a nano-composite ferromagnet comprised of soft alpha-Fe/ferrite in a high-anisotropy L10 FePd matrix. The length scale and morphology of the transformation products have been characterized using x-ray diffraction, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The transformed microstructures exhibit strong texture retention similar to the stoichiometric alloy suggesting a massive ordering mode. The alloy has shown a proclivity to exchange couple at a length scale not in agreement with proposed theories of exchange coupling [3,4]. The magnetic properties were measured using standard vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF-DMR).