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Experimental Plan for Commercial SNF Degradation in Repository Environments with a Focus on Fracture Matrix Degradation

Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

This report documents work performed supporting US Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology, under work breakdown structure element, “Inventory and Waste Form Characteristics and Performance.” In particular, this report fulfills the M3 milestone, M3SF-21OR010309072 Draft Experimental Plan for Commercial SNF Degradation in Repository Environments” as described in work package SF-21OR01030907 SNF Degradation Testing- ORNL.

This experimental plan is a collaboration between ORNL, SNL, ANL, and PNNL. It is intended to support source term model development and spent fuel degradation testing in a range of generic repository conditions. Potential testing and experiments to support validation of the Fuel Matrix Dissolution Model (FMDM) and the overall development/validation of repository source term modeling are discussed.