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Field-induced spin density wave and spiral phases in a layered antiferromagnet...

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Physical Review B
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We determine the low-field ordered magnetic phases of the S = 1 dimerized antiferromagnet Ba3Mn2O8 using single-crystal neutron diffraction. We find that for magnetic fields between mu H-0 = 8.80 T and 10.56 T applied along the [1 (1) over bar0] direction the system exhibits spin density wave order with incommensurate wave vectors of type (eta,eta,epsilon). For mu H-0 > 10.56 T, the magnetic order changes to a spiral phase with incommensurate wave vectors only along the [hh0] direction. For both field-induced ordered phases, the magnetic moments are lying in the plane perpendicular to the field direction. The nature of these two transitions is fundamentally different: the low-field transition is a second-order transition to a spin density wave ground state, while the one at higher field, toward the spiral phase, is of first order.