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Figure-of-Merit for a Cold Coupled Moderator at the SNS Second Target Station suited for Direct Geometry Inelastic Spectrometers

by Georg Ehlers, Gabriele Sala, Franz X Gallmeier, Kenneth W Herwig
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Publication Date
Page Number
Conference Name
International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-XXII)
Conference Location
Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference Sponsor
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Conference Date

The suite of moderators for the Second Target Station (STS) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in Oak Ridge is currently undergoing the planning stage at which various options and configurations are being considered. The current plans for the instrument suite include two direct geometry inelastic spectrometers, CHESS and HERTZ, which will receive beam from cold moderators and work mostly in the 1-20 meV incident energy range. CHESS will be a relatively short (wide bandwidth) instrument that is dedicated to studying small samples (∼mm3) with coarse energy resolution (2.5 – 5% of Ei). HERTZ on the other hand will be designed to achieve very good energy resolution, 1 – 3% of Ei, using a long secondary flightpath with a ∼ 4 × 4 cm2 beam on sample. In this contribution, we will discuss the implications of these design requirements for the optimal moderator pulse width, and for the repetition rate that would be best suited for the spectrometers.