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Final CRADA Report – NFE-21-08693

by Richard H Goulding, Richard Magee
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

TAE Technologies is developing a magnetic fusion energy concept known as the beam-driven field-reversed configuration (FRC) [1,2,3] with the ultimate goal of developing a reactor for commercial electricity production capable of burning aneutronic pB11 fuel [4]. To achieve the high plasma temperatures this requires, auxiliary radiofrequency (RF) heating will likely be needed. High Harmonic Fast Wave (HHFW) heating has been identified as a candidate RF heating scheme to overcome the unique challenges posed to RF heating by the FRC, including the large distance from the plasma edge to the last closed flux surface and a magnetic field profile with strength decreasing from edge to core and reversing sign at a null point inside the plasma.

The purpose of this project was to develop the experimental capabilities to test HHFW on TAE’s C-2W device through the design of a phased array antenna and accompanying matching network. The design was performed by ORNL and informed by experiments with a prototype four-strap phased antenna-array that was manufactured and installed on the LArge Plasma Device (LAPD) at UCLA and simulations conducted with the Petra-M code under the purview of a previous INFUSE grant. The ORNL team completed the conceptual design of the antenna and matching network which was then handed off to the TAE Mechanical Design team. The design was then iterated on to ensure changes to the mechanical design did not interfere with the RF performance. This process is now complete, and, with mechanical design in hand, TAE is proceeding with plans for final integration.