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A first-principles approach to the optimization of neutron-focusing guide design and development...

by Matthew J Frost, Alexandru D Stoica, Thomas Huegle
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Journal of Neutron Research
Publication Date
Page Numbers
131 to 135
Conference Name
International Workshop on Neutron Delivery Systems
Conference Location
Grenoble, France
Conference Sponsor
Institut Laue–Langevin
Conference Date

Fundamental optical concepts are utilized across all fields of scientific instrumentation. In the case of beam-like systems in neutron scattering instrumentation (low-divergence trajectories taken over long distances), quantities describing a system can be scaled into dimensionless figures of merit that convey performance characteristics and geometric limits. Furthermore, this first-principles approach facilitates a straight forward means by which to tailor an optical system to a defined source-sample configuration, as well as further inform guide surface shapes and reflectivity requirements. These principles will be presented and applied incorporated to examples showing their relevance to practical applications and future instrumentation.