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Human Reliability for the Next Generation of Nuclear Experts...

by Cameron W Coates, Gerhard R Eisele
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
IAEA International Conference on Human Resource Development for Introducing and Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes
Conference Location
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

As the nuclear renaissance progresses and today’s nuclear and radiological experts retire, a new generation of experts will ultimately be recruited, trained, and replace the old guard. Selecting individuals who have the attitudes and values appropriate to work in the nuclear industry and who have the best qualifications for the position will be a key to the success of this renaissance. In a world with deep divisions on political and social issues; how a State, agency, or company assures that those hired can be trusted with the access to, and responsibilities for, nuclear and/or radiological materials is an important consideration. Human interactions invariably rely on the offering of assurance and the receipt of trust. A fundamental element in any human relationship is knowing when to trust and when to doubt. When are assurances to be believed or questioned? Human reliability programs (HRP) are used to assure a person’s truthfulness and loyalty to the State. An HRP program has a number of elements and may not fit all cultures in the same form. An HRP can vary in scope from simple background checks of readily available data to full field investigations and testing. This presentation discusses possible elements for an HRP from regulation to implementation and the issues related to each element. The effects of an HRP on potential recruits will be discussed.