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Hydrogen platelets in crystalline silicon - Precursors for the "smart cut"...

by Fernando A Reboredo, Sokrates T Pantelides
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Solid State Phenomenon
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High concentrations of H in crystalline Si are known to induce planar defects (platelets), primarily in the (100) and the (Ill)planes. These platelets are precursors for the so-called "smart cut" technique for fabricating Silicon-On-insulator (SOI) structures. The atomic-scale mechanisms for the nucleation and growth of the H-induced platelets and many other experimental observations have remained elusive. We review recent extensive first-principles calculations in terms of which a comprehensive picture of platelet nucleation and growth has emerged. The theory naturally accounts for the observed preference for (111) and (100) planes, for H release and trapping of H-2 molecules, and other observations. The platelets are arrays of second-neighbor hydrogenated vacancies that do not bind to each other, but their formation is due to energetically preferred reaction pathways.