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Implementation of a small-angle scattering model in MCNPX for very cold neutron reflector studies...

by Kyle B Grammer, Franz X Gallmeier
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Publication Date
Page Number
Conference Name
International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS)
Conference Location
Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference Sponsor
University of Oxford
Conference Date

Current neutron moderator media do not sufficiently moderate neutrons below the cold neutron regime into the very cold neutron (VCN) regime that is desirable for some physics applications. Nesvizhevsky et al [1] have demonstrated that nanodiamond powder efficiently reflect VCN via small angle scattering. He suggests that these effects could be exploited to boost the neutron output of a VCN moderator. Simulation studies of nanoparticle reflectors are being investigated as part of the development of a VCN source option for the SNS second target station. We are pursuing an expansion of the MCNPX code by implementation of an analytical small-angle scattering function [2], which is adaptable by scattering particle sizes, distributions, and packing fractions in order to supplement currently existing scattering kernels. The analytical model and preliminary studies using MCNPX will be discussed.