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Influence of interrupted cooling on the development of bimodal γ' precipitate distributions in ATI 718Plus

Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Materials Science
Publication Date
Page Numbers
16445 to 16461

The influence of aging treatments on the evolution of the γ' precipitates in ATI 718Plus was studied using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic probe tomography. A set of aging treatments was performed on solution-treated samples to obtain various γ' size distributions. The aging temperatures ranged from 720 to 900°C with holding times of either two hours (for the 900°C aging temperature) or 10 h (for the 720°C and 750°C aging temperatures) followed by either air cooling, furnace cooling, or water quenching. The cooling method and aging temperature influenced the distribution of the solute elements. This work discussed the evolution of the γ' precipitation during single-step aging and two-step aging involving continuous cooling or interrupted cooling. A bimodal size distribution of the γ' precipitates was obtained through interrupted cooling two-step aging treatments, while single-step aging resulted in unimodal γ' precipitate distributions.