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Introducing FACETS, the Framework Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulations...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
SciDAC 2007
Publication Date
Page Number
Conference Name
SciDAC 2007
Conference Location
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

The FACETS (Framework Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulations) project began in January 2007 with the goal of providing core to wall transport modeling of a tokamak fusion reactor. This involves coupling previously separate computations for the core, edge, and wall regions. Such a coupling is primarily through connection regions of lower dimensionality. The project has started developing a component-based coupling framework to bring together models for each of these regions. In the first year, the core model will be a 1 � dimensional model (1D transport across flux surfaces coupled to a 2D equilibrium) with fixed equilibrium. The initial edge model will be the fluid model, UEDGE, but inclusion of kinetic models is planned for the out years. The project also has an embedded Scientific Application Partnership that is examining embedding a full-scale turbulence model for obtaining the crosssurface
fluxes into a core transport code.