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Low-lying states in 219Ra and 215Rn: Sampling microsecond α-decaying nuclei...

by A. Såmark-roth, L. G. Sarmiento, Carl J Gross, Krzysztof P Rykaczewski
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Physical Review C
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Short-lived α-decaying nuclei “northeast” of 208Pb in the chart of nuclides were studied using the reaction 48Ca+243Am with the decay station TASISpec at TASCA, GSI Darmstadt. Decay energies and times from pile-up events were extracted with a tailor-made pulse-shape analysis routine and specific α-decay chains were identified in a correlation analysis. Decay chains starting with the even-even 220Ra and its odd-A neighbors, 219Fr, and 221,219Ra, with a focus on the 219Ra→215Rn decay, were studied by means of α−γ spectroscopy. A revised α-decay scheme of 219Ra is proposed, including a new decay branch from a previously not considered isomeric state at 17 keV excitation energy. Conclusions on nuclear structure are drawn from the experimental data, aided by Geant4 simulations and a discussion on theoretical calculations.