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Magnetic anisotropy of FePt nanoparticles: temperature-dependent free energy barrier for switching...

by Chenggang Zhou, Thomas C Schulthess, Oleg Mryasov
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Publication Date
Page Numbers
2950 to 2952
Conference Name
10th MMM/Intermag joint conference
Conference Location
Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Conference Date

We report the calculation of free energy with constrained
magnetization for $\lo$ FePt nanoparticles. We employ effective
spin Hamiltonian model constructed on the basis of constrained
density functional theory calculations for $\lo$ FePt. In this model
the Fe spins (treated as classical spins in this work) are coupled
"directly" and via induced Pt moments with both isotropic and
anisotropic interactions. Interactions mediated by the Stoner
enhanced Pt moment stabilize ferromagnetic order and lead to a
pronounced coordination dependence and long-range interactions.
The free energy of these nanoparticles, as a function of
the temperature and the constrained magnetization $F(T,M_z)$, is
calculated from the joint density of states $g(E,M)$, using the
extended Wang-Landau algorithm. The free energy barrier for
magnetization reorientation is found to depend fairly linearly on
the temperature in the ferromagnetic phase and vanishes in the
paramagnetic phase.