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Magnetism of Complex Oxide Interfaces...

by Satoshi Okamoto, Shuai Dong, Elbio R Dagotto
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
457 to 487
Publisher Name
CRC Press
Publisher Location
London, United Kingdom

This chapter reviews theoretical studies focused on interfaces or heterostructures of complex oxides such as perovskite transition-metal oxides (TMO). It describes examples of such theoretical studies of TMO interfaces employing a variety of methods. The chapter explains theoretical work at the interfaces of a ferroelectric and a magnetic manganite and provides rules to judge the type of coupling between the spins at opposite sides of the interfaces. It shows how the electric field of the ferroelectric component affects the electronic density of the other component, typically a metallic manganite, thus altering its transport properties and sometimes even inducing a phase transition. The chapter explores the puzzling exchange bias effect is addressed for the interfaces involving a ferromagnet on one side and a G-type antiferromagnetic state on the other. If the interfacial carrier density is modulated away from the region, the ferromagnetism and transport will become worse.