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Magneto-acoustic interfacial reaction-based nanoparticle synthesis:a path to direct manufacturing of metal matrix composites...

Publication Type
Journal Name
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1078 to 1082

In recent decades, nanoparticles have received substantial scientific attention due to their novel behavior and industrial applications, from quantum dots to catalysis.[1, 2] Synthesis of nanoparticles is often challenging, since they exist far from equilibrium with a high surface to volume ratio. This work investigates a novel nanoparticle fabrication methodology: combined reaction and acoustic cavitation abrasion of a solid in contact with a liquid. A mechanism is proposed by which particles are generated more effectively by the combination of reaction and cavitation than by either independently. In the current study, a novel method known as Magneto-Acoustic Mixing Technology (MAMT)[3] is used to produce nanometer to micron sized particles by chemical and acoustic mechanisms between diamond particles and a stainless steel surface in the presence of a metallic liquid, in this application Mg. This method demonstrates a number of advantages, including fabrication of novel chemistries and continuous particle production. This methodology is also easily adaptable to an in-situ nanoparticle generation mechanism for the production of metal matrix nanocomposites (MMnCs). In-situ particle generation methods like MAMT inherently limit particle agglomeration and improve the safety of nanocomposite fabrication by eliminating environmental contamination. In the current study, particle size, volume fraction, and chemistry are investigated, as well as the interaction of sonic power and chemical reaction.