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Microscopic Nuclear Mass Table with High-Performance Computing...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Publication Date
Page Number
Conference Name
Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2011)
Conference Location
Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States of America
Conference Date

We overview the methodology behind the large-scale mass table calculations based on the nuclear density functional theory (DFT) with Skyrme energy density functionals (EDFs). The calculations employing massively parallel computers are done in a large configuration space of an axially deformed harmonic oscillator. Nuclear mass tables tabulating global nuclear properties such as binding energies, radii, shape deformations, and pairing gaps are obtained for several Skyrme EDFs augmented by a mixed-type pairing functional, using an approximate particle number projection before variation. Specialty visualization tools have been developed to analyze the results. As an illustrative example of our current capabilities, we show some results for a wide range of even-even nuclei with Z < 120 and N < 300.