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Mixed-Oxide (MOX) Fuel Performance Benchmarks...

by Larry J Ott, Terje Tverberg, Enrico Sartori
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Annals of Nuclear Energy
Publication Date
Page Numbers
375 to 379
Conference Name
Internat'l Conf. Physics of Reactors PHYSOR '08
Conference Location
Interlaken, Switzerland
Conference Sponsor
Swiss Nuclear ; Ecole Polytechnique Federalede Lausanne; AREVA
Conference Date

Within the framework of the OECD/NEA Expert Group on Reactor-based Plutonium disposition (TFRPD), a fuel modeling code benchmarks for MOX fuel was initiated. This paper summarizes the calculation results provided by the contributors for the first two fuel performance benchmark problems. A limited sensitivity study of the effect of the rod power uncertainty on code predictions of fuel centerline temperature and fuel pin pressure also was performed and is included in the paper.