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Multifunctional Heat Pump with Energy Storage Capability

by Bo Shen, Kyle R Gluesenkamp, Xiaobing Liu
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Proceeding of the ACEEE 2024 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 12
Publisher Location
District of Columbia, United States of America
Conference Name
ACEEE 2024 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Conference Location
Pacific Grove, California, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
American council for an energy-efficient economy
Conference Date

Replacing gas furnaces with heat pumps on a large scale can pose challenges to the electrical grid. It will significantly increase the demand, strain the electrical grid, especially during peak usage times. To ensure that heat pumps contribute to reducing emissions, it's essential to increase the share of renewable energy in the grid. However, the supply of renewable energy is unstable. Large scale of electrification must address the concern of grid resilience to meet necessary heating/cooling demands and shift peak electric load. All these require future heat pumps having energy storage capability. These systems can store excess energy during low-demand periods and release it during high-demand periods, reducing stress on the grid. This paper will introduce an innovative configuration, control, and laboratory investigations of a multifunctional packaged heat pump. In addition to the original indoor and outdoor air coils, the heat pump has a parallel hydronic loop with a brazed plate heat exchanger (BHP). The hydronic loop circulates hot/chilled water to store heating/cooling energy in phase change material (PCM). It is capable of space cooling, space heating, cooling energy storage/defrosting, water heating/heating energy storage with outdoor air source or indoor air source, and cooling/heating energy free discharge. The laboratory studies and breadboard unit are presented. Additionally, building energy simulation demonstrates utility cost reduction potential via charging PCM panels/ceilings during off-peak hours and releasing the energy during peak hours to mitigate the peak power consumption.