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The Negele-Vautherin Density Matrix Expansion Applied to the Gogny Force...

by J. Dobaczewski, B. G. Carlsson, Erno M Kortelainen
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
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We use the Negele-Vautherin density matrix expansion to derive local density approximation for the interaction composed of arbitrary finite-range central, spin-orbit, and tensor components. Terms that are absent in the original Negele-Vautherin approach owing to the angle averaging of the density matrix are fixed by requiring gauge invariance of the energy density. We obtain the Kohn-Sham interaction energies in all spin-isospin channels, including the exchange terms, expressed as functions of the local densities and their derivatives up to second (next to leading) order. We illustrate the method by determining the coupling constants of the Skyrme functional or Skyrme force that correspond to the finite-range Gogny central force. The resulting self-consistent solutions reproduce the Gogny-force binding energies and radii within the precision of 1-2%.