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Optimization Of In-field Alpha Spectrometry For Uranium Enrichment Determination In Uranium Hexafluoride...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Institute of Nuclear Material Management
Book Title
INMM Annual Meetings Proceedings
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 10
Publisher Location
New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
2021 Joint meeting of INMM and ESARDA
Conference Location
Virtual, Austria
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

In response to needs identified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) research is underway to develop In-Field Alpha Spectrometry (IFAS) as a method to allow IAEA safeguards inspectors to collect samples of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) at processing facilities to assess and verify uranium enrichment. For sample collection, the IFAS method uses Single-Use Destructive Assay (SUDA) samplers, which contain thin zeolite coatings that trap UF6 gas and convert it to the safer, more stable form uranyl fluoride (as a dihydrate, UO2F2‧2H2O). For alpha spectrometry, the IFAS instrument employs a large area silicon semiconductor transducer to detect and record alpha particle energy-deposition events. Over the past year optimization work has significantly increased the diameter of useful SUDA samples (from 12.7 mm to 48 mm), improved the manufacturability and reproducibility of SUDA samples, increased the area of the IFAS alpha spectrometer sensor from 1.2 cm to 3.1 cm, and improved source positioning within the IFAS. This paper will report on this optimization work, its impacts on IFAS performance, and future plans for IFAS miniaturization, improvements, and testing.