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Optimized Energy Management for Large Organizations Utilizing an On-Site PHEV fleet, Storage Devices and Renewable Electricit...

by Yogesh Dashora, J. Barnes, Rekha S Pillai, Todd E Combs, Michael R Hilliard
Publication Type
Journal Name
Energy Systems
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 18

Abstract This paper focuses on the daily electricity management problem for organizations
with a large number of employees working within a relatively small geographic
location. The organization manages its electric grid including limited on-site
energy generation facilities, energy storage facilities, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
(PHEV) charging stations installed in the parking lots. A mixed integer linear
program (MILP) is modeled and implemented to assist the organization in determining
the temporal allocation of available resources that will minimize energy costs.
We consider two cost compensation strategies for PHEV owners: (1) cost equivalent
battery replacement reimbursement for utilizing vehicle to grid (V2G) services from
PHEVs; (2) gasoline equivalent cost for undercharging of PHEV batteries. Our case
study, based on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) campus, produced encouraging
results and substantiates the importance of controlled PHEV fleet charging
as opposed to uncontrolled charging methods. We further established the importance
of realizing V2G capabilities provided by PHEVs in terms of significantly reducing
energy costs for the organization.