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ORNL Biometric Eye Model for Iris Recognition...

by Hector J Santos-villalobos, Del R Barstow, Mahmut Karakaya, Ed Chaum, Christopher B Boehnen
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
IEEE Fifth International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 2012)
Conference Location
Washington DC, District of Columbia, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

Iris recognition has been proven to be an accurate and reliable biometric. However, the recognition of non-ideal iris images such as off angle images is still an unsolved problem. We propose a new biometric targeted eye model and a method to reconstruct the off-axis eye to its frontal view allowing for recognition using existing methods and algorithms. This allows for existing enterprise level algorithms and approaches to be largely unmodified by using our work as a pre-processor to improve performance. In addition, we describe the `Limbus effect' and its importance for an accurate segmentation of off-axis irides. Our method uses an anatomically accurate human eye model and ray-tracing techniques to compute a transformation function, which reconstructs the iris to its frontal, non-refracted state. Then, the same eye model is used to render a frontal view of the reconstructed iris. The proposed method is fully described and results from synthetic data are shown to establish an upper limit on performance improvement and establish the importance of the proposed approach over traditional linear elliptical unwrapping methods. Our results with synthetic data demonstrate the ability to perform an accurate iris recognition with an image taken as much as 70 degrees off-axis.