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Parametrized process characterization with reduced resource requirements

by Vicente A Leyton Ortega, Tyler D Kharazi, Raphael C Pooser
Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review A
Publication Date

Quantum process tomography (QPT) is a powerful tool to characterize quantum operations, but it requires considerable resources, making it impractical for more than two-qubit systems. This work proposes an alternative approach that requires significantly fewer resources for unitary process characterization with a built-in method for state preparation and measurement error mitigation. By measuring the quantum process as rotated through the X and Y axes on the Bloch sphere, we can acquire enough information to reconstruct the quantum process matrix χ and measure its fidelity. We test the algorithm's performance against standard QPT using simulated and physical experiments on several IBM quantum processors and compare the resulting process matrices. We demonstrate with numerical experiments that the method can improve gate fidelity via a noise reduction in the imaginary part of the process matrix, along with a stark decrease in the number of experiments needed to perform the characterization.