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Particle matter index and fuel wall-wetting relations on stochastic pre-ignition...

by Vicente Boronat Colomer, Derek A Splitter, Sneha Neupane, William P Partridge Jr
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SAE Technical Paper Series
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This works explores the effect of the particle matter index (PMI) and aromatic content on fuel wall impingement and associated stochastic pre-ignition (SPI) propensity. Statically significant measurements of SPI rates are directly coupled with laser induced florescence (LIF) measurements of fuel dilution from spray-linear impingement. Literature suggests that PMI is could be correlated with the number of SPI events, but the root cause(s) of PMI and SPI are directly causational or are a predicator of SPI. Three fuels have been used in this study with 3 different PMI and two different aromatic contents. These fuels are direct injected at two different injection timings, an earlier injection timing which targets the piston crown, 310°CA bTDC, and a later injection timing that the linear, 220°CA bTDC start of injection timings (SOI) respectively. The earlier 310 SOI injection increases soot, whereas the later 220°CD SOI targets the linear and increases wall-wetting. The findings of this work highlight that the SPI activity has a weak correlation with the soot promoted by the combustion process and increased PMI. However, SPI activity shows a strong dependency with high levels of oil dilution and aromatic content, suggesting that PMI might be an indicator of fuel chemistry conducive to SPI and the soot form increased PMI fuels is not a strong source of SPI relative to fuel wall wetting.