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Pellet Injection Technology and Application to Mitigate Transient Events on ITER...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Book Title
26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference
Publication Date
Publisher Location
Vienna, Austria
Conference Name
IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016)
Conference Location
Kyoto, Japan
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

The technology to form and accelerate cryogenically solidified pellets of hydrogen isotopes has long been under development for fueling fusion plasmas. Injectors are being designed to provide this capability for fueling ITER with DT pellets injected from the inner wall. In addition to this fueling application, the pellet technology is being further developed for ITER to mitigate transient heat fluxes and energetic particle impacts from disruptions and edge localized modes (ELMs). Large shattered impurity pellets have been found to effectively mitigate disruptions and small pellets of deuterium have been used to trigger on demand rapid small ELMs to limit the transient heat flux damage from otherwise large naturally occurring ELMs. Both of these technologies are being implemented for ITER.