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Performance portability study for massively parallel computational fluid dynamics application on scalable heterogeneous archi...

by Seyong Lee, John P Gounley, Amanda Randles, Jeffrey S Vetter
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 13

Patient-specific hemodynamic simulations have the potential to greatly improve both the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of vascular diseases. Portability will enable wider adoption of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications in the biomedical research community and targeting to platforms ideally suited to different vascular regions. In this work, we present a case study in performance portability that assesses (1) the ease of porting an MPI application optimized for one specific architecture to new platforms using variants of hybrid MPI+X programming models; (2) performance portability seen when simulating blood flow in three different vascular regions on diverse heterogeneous architectures; (3) model-based performance prediction for future architectures; and (4) performance scaling of the hybrid MPI+X programming on parallel heterogeneous systems. We discuss the lessons learned in porting HARVEY, a massively parallel CFD application, from traditional multicore CPUs to diverse heterogeneous architectures ranging from NVIDIA/AMD GPUs to Intel MICs and Altera FPGAs.