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Polymer matrix nanocomposites for automotive structural components ...

by Amit K Naskar, Jong K Keum, Raymond G Boeman
Publication Type
Journal Name
Nature Nanotechnology
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1026 to 1030

Over the past several decades, the automotive industry has expended significant effort to develop lightweight parts from new easy-to-process polymeric nanocomposites. These materials have been particularly attractive because they can increase fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, attempts to reinforce soft matrices by nanoscale reinforcing agents at commercially deployable scales have been only sporadically successful to date. This situation is due primarily to the lack of fundamental understanding of how multi-scale interfacial interactions and the resultant structures affect the properties of polymer nanocomposites. In this Perspective, we critically evaluate the state of the art in the field and propose a possible path that may help to overcome these barriers. Only once we achieve a deeper understanding of the structure-properties relationship of polymer matrix nanocomposites, we will be able to develop novel structural nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical properties for automotive applications.