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Post-Irradiation Examinations of High Burnup PWR Fuel Rods - Initial Results...

by Bruce B Bevard, Rosemary A Montgomery, John M Scaglione
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Top Fuel
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 13
Conference Name
TopFuel 2018
Conference Location
Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

The High Burnup Spent Fuel Data Project (herein referred to as the “project”), sponsored by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), is focused on experimentally evaluating the effects of long-term storage and transportation on high burnup (HBU) (defined as >45 gigawatt days per metric ton uranium) pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) [1]. To support this project, in the fall of 2017, an instrumented bolted-lid cask (project cask) at the North Anna reactor site was loaded with intact, HBU PWR fuel assemblies (project assemblies) having four different kinds of cladding and will be reopened in approximately 10-years for inspection. To support pre- and post-storage SNF rod characterization, 25 “sister rods” that are similar to the rods being stored in the project cask were extracted from seven different fuel assemblies at the North Anna nuclear power plant for post-irradiation examination (PIE).