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Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research: Cyber Security and Informatio...

by Frederick T Sheldon, Gregory D Peterson, Axel Krings, Robert K Abercrombie, Ali Mili
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New York, New Jersey, United States of America

Our reliance on the cyber infrastructure has further grown and the dependencies have become more complex. The infrastructure and applications running on it are not generally governed by the rules of bounded systems and inherit the properties of unbounded systems, such as the absence of global control, borders and barriers. Furthermore, the quest for increasing functionality and ease of operation is often at the cost of controllability, potentially opening up avenues for exploitation and failures. Intelligence is information valued for its currency and relevance rather than its detail or accuracy. In the presence of information explosion, i.e., the pervasive abundance of (public/private) information and the effects of such, intelligence has the potential to shift the advantages in the dynamic game of defense and attacks in cyber space. Gathering, analyzing, and making use of information constitutes a business-/sociopolitical-/military-intelligence gathering activity and ultimately poses significant advantages and liabilities to the survivability of "our" society. The combination of increased vulnerability, increased stakes and increased threats make cyber security and information intelligence (CSII) one of the most important emerging challenges in the evolution of modern cyberspace.

The goal of the workshop is to establish, debate and challenge the far-reaching agenda that broadly and comprehensively outlines a strategy for cyber security and information intelligence that is founded on sound principles and technologies.